Tuesday, June 30, 2015

This and That for June

Blossoming shrubs leading to the temple.

Someone offered to take our photo for us so we gave them the camera.

After we had taken this photo, we mentioned to the workmen we were taking a photo
and they all turned around and smiled and waved.  Not sure what happened but
we missed that "Kodak moment."
We snapped a photo of the choir who sang at stake conference before our meeting began.

One day this pile of dirt was dumped at our corner.  A few days later, it had disappeared.
It is a mystery to us where the dirt came from or where it went...or why...

Paul took this early morning shot of the temple before he went to his 7 a.m. stake priesthood meeting.

Monday, June 29, 2015

Our Banana Update

Another crop of bananas was ready to harvest and we are a lot smarter this time about how we went about it.
The entire stock of bananas probably weighs close to 100 pounds and was pulling the tiny plant right over though we have it wired to the wall.

To make things more manageable, Paul cut the stock into sections and hung them separately in the shade.  We put some where it wasn't always shady and they began to turn black so we moved that batch to the shade as well.  We are learning so much about bananas!

Now the fun begins--we need to distribute the bananas.  This is Paul taking some bananas to the Saldivars.  We have also taken some to Ruben and to the Marquez family who we home teach.  They were quite excited because our bananas can officially be labeled "organic."


The bananas we planted in the corner of the property are beginning to produce.  We have learned something is happening when instead of leaves unrolling, a green and purple clump appears (known as the banana heart) and begins to hang down.  Paul is touching it with his left hand.

Can you see it?  It is about in the center of this photo.
Then the "hands" begin to grow from the banana heart..  
So currently we have bananas in the freezer from our last harvest; green bananas that will be ripe within the week and a new batch just beginning to grow.  This banana business is rather fascinating!

Sunday, June 14, 2015

Snooping Around Inside the Clinic

 We wanted to get out of the house this evening and began to walk up the street.  As we passed the clinic, we too photos of the outside and then decided to see if we could wander around inside.  Two young men were sitting on the stairs and they said it would be fine for us to take  a look around so we made ourselves at home.

 We found these drawings of the clinic and finally know it will be an endocrinology clinic run by a doctor who Hermana Briones is acquainted with and she said he is very good and a very strict doctor.
We looked online and learned the major endocrine glands include the pineal gland, pituitary gland, pancreas, ovaries, testes, thyroid gland, parathyroid gland, hypothalamus, gastrointestinal tract and adrenal glands

The walls have been painted and tile has been laid on most of the floors.  It is a two story structure above a parking garage.  People will be able to walk up the stairs from the enclosed parking area to the main and second floor.

This was the largest room and it has multiple electric outlets in the floor and we got the idea there were be many "stations" here for treating patients.

We have often walked by and seen the view from the street into the main floor of the building and this is that view in reverse.

We could make out smaller rooms for offices and rooms with plumbling for the bathrooms.

 We think this might be an elevator shaft with access from the parking to the second floor.
We went to the roof to take a look around just to continue our snooping for the day.   Paul went further up and got a look at the water tanks on the roof.

We liked the view.  If you know where to look, the temple is in the background peeping up from a gap in the trees.  Follow the center front light pole left of Paul's left arm straught up to the low spot in the trees on the horizon and there stands Angel Moroni.  Good luck!

We thanked the two young men who were guarding the clinic and mentioned we had been watching the construction work since it was a weedy lot.  They just laughed.