Monday, May 5, 2014

San Juan Bosco

One thing on our "to do" list has been to visit the San Juan Bosco church since it is listed in our "Things to do in Tampico" pamphlet.  The San Juan Bosco church was rather amazing.  It wasn’t as big as the other ones that we have seen but it had some fabulous, beautiful and very large murals inside. It also has many stained glass windows and a lot of gold leafing.  A man greeted us and Paul and he visited for a while and I took photos with my camera until the battery was dead.  The man was the “padre” and was assigned this parish right out of seminary just three years ago when the other “padre” died.  We took our time and Paul had the better camera and we took pictures and a movie or two.  

Young Jesus Teaching in the Temple. 
The murals on the ceiling were beautiful and mostly about the life of Christ  but in no particular order.

The Virgin Mary

The Holy Family

Jesus' sermon on the mount.

Jesus teaching the children.

Jesus walking on the water, and Peter almost. . .

Gabriel speaking to Mary.

Probably San Juan caring for the poor.

Hand carved pulpit of the good works
of San Juan Bosco

Pulpit in San Juan Bosco's church

Fishermen called to be "fishers of men"

This is unique--of Mary leaving
Jesus' sepulcure

Joseph and Mary looking for
young Jesus.

Hand carved wooden doors.

San Juan from the outside.

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